Thursday, October 16, 2008

It snowed a lot on Sunday Oct 12th!
So we got dressed up for the snow, and headed out.

Big balls of snow!
We made big balls of snow. Once the balls got big it was hard to push them. So we put together the huge balls of snow, filled in the gaps and Bam! It was done!


Kelly said...

HOW FUN! Can we come play in the snow with you? We could have one Giant snow ball fight then finish off with some hot chocolate. Sounds like a blast. Loved seeing the photos. I Love you.
Love Aunt Kelly

Evans reese puff world! :) said...

AHHHHHHHH! oh my golly gees! she's dead! when the funiral?????? I WANTA COME! why didn't you invite guys all despise me!...grrr!

(katry you know i am just joking right, good!)